

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

New painting: Colm Mac Con Iomaire

I have completed my new painting of our friend, the musician and fiddle player Colm Mac Con Iomaire.
The painting is a portrait showing how his music weaves together images, stories and mood.

Below I have included Colm's wonderful piece 'Aishling Eimear' so that you can  experience his music.

Please click on pictures to enlarge.

The finished painting: The Fiddle Player.
Art cards & prints are available to order - without wording. 

Before the 'magic' is added

Please listen and watch the video of  Colm's  'Aishling Eimear' - 'Emer's Dream':

 'Emer's Dream' is on Colm's CD The Hare’s Corner - CĂșinne an Ghiorria which you can find on iTunes here
For more about Colm and his music please visit his website here


  1. You know this combination of such wonderful music and your painting, is so absolutely mind blowing that it made my eyes moist.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it & I love his music too.

  3. What a beautiful painting to accompany beautiful music, both artist & musician are very talented.

  4. Thanks Snap - His music often makes the hairs stand up on my neck - always a good sign :)

  5. Birgit said:
    I do not know if I have ever expressed it but I do love your paintings. This in particular and the expression you capture from Colm touches me.
    His Music, too.
    Thank you for sharing your gift and Colm´s.
    big hug

  6. Lovely to hear from you Birgit and thank you for your kind words.

  7. Gorgeous work, Jane.. As I admire each photo of your progress, I feel each one would stand on its own as a finished piece. Congrats!

  8. Jane, this painting is stunning! I enjoy your friends music; and in fact, I follow him on Facebook.


  9. I started following him after Heron sent me a link to his music! It's all because of you two!

  10. It's good to be able to share his talent around.

  11. What a fabulous painting and the music is magical

  12. Oh Jane it's wonderful. You've captured Colm and his music perfectly! Looking forward to seeing you next week x

  13. Hi Margaret - Thank you & hope all is well in Scotland :)

  14. Glad you like it Grace - See you soon. x

  15. Beautiful, everything flows so well, love his eyes & expression.

  16. Thank you Ita & it's great to hear from you!


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