

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Pictures from an exhibition.

On Saturday evening we set up The Ever-Living Ones exhibition at The French ¼ Café
as part of The Festival Francais de Portarlington.
The café was decked in blue, white and red proclaiming Liberté, Égalité & Fraternité.

Interior of The French ¼ Café

As soon the paintings were hung...

the display of cards and posters arranged....

and the Visitors Book opened...

the first guests began to arrive.

Amongst the gathering were old friends, models...

Fiona, the model for Boann

Fred, the model for Dian Cécht.

and new friends who had travelled from north and south.

As people departed, others arrived.
The night wore on and the exhibition became a party as, camera forgotten, goodwill 
and conversation flowed.  

All too soon it was time to close and turn the space into a café again.

Watched over by The Ever-Living Ones it really was an evening of Liberté, Égalité & Fraternité.

My thanks to all at The French ¼ Café especially Eamon, Richard & the wonderful Éoin.


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful evening Jane, bet your paintings looked fabulous in that setting! Wish we could have been there x

  2. Looks grand Jane and I especially like the way in which the white washed rough stone walls contrast with the paintings !

  3. Yes, the space was lovely & worked really well with the paintings, the chat went on and it was a grand evening!

  4. Dear Jane: How absolutely lovely; I really enjoy the photos of the models in front of their paintings, and seeing you, too! I wish I could have been there, so thank you for documenting it for all of us who live too far away to attend. xo

  5. Thank you so much Carol - maybe one day we'll meet :) It was so enjoyable that we're talking about another one later this year.

  6. It looks like a lovely evening. I would love to see your pictures for real, they are so beautiful. I love that you use 'ordinary' people as models, proving that everyone is beautiful xxx

  7. What a lovely occasion and a great celebration of your beautiful art, Jane. I'm so glad y managed the photos before the conviviality took over 😊. A day to remember!

  8. Yes it was great night Valleypee - next time I'll try to remember to take more photos but can't vouch for how well they will turn out! X

  9. Thank you Fran! I really wanted to base the goddesses & gods on real Irish people. I know that there are many images - especially of goddesses - that use young, slender & "beautiful" women as models but when the mythology describes the Cailleach as an old woman, for example, I think that is how she should be portrayed. I also believe that we are all beautiful!


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